Detect data issues
before they reach your users

Receive instant notifications when issues happen and prevent data downtime with automatic rule suggestions, user-friendly no-code rules, and even customizable SQL-based validations for advanced users.

Create Automatic Validations

Discover statistics about your data assets and create automatic validations to ensure everything goes according to the plan saving data teams time and effort. No deployment required: start validating assets across your entire data landscape with just a few clicks. Configure alerts to fix issues faster and minimize data downtime.

Learn more about data assets profiling

Get alerts in Slack on new issues and immediately coordinate with your team

Learn more about our app for Slack

Empower data consumers to be part of data quality

Save your data team up to 268 hours/month giving analysts and managers superpowers to create their own validations with an intuitive no-code interface. Choose from a growing selection of over 50 pre-configured validations to meet your business needs.

Learn more about no-code Validations

Customize validations to your business needs

Create validations with SQL code to meet complex business restrictions. Take control of your data ensuring robustness and reliability with unparalleled specificity.

Don’t let data downtime become the main concern of your team 

Start growing with reliable data

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